KSSU Helps Students Meet Their New Best Friend!

Article Brittany Burnsed

On Wednesday, our station hosted its 7th Annual Speed Friending event in the University Union Ballroom 1 and it was a blast!

Making new friends can be hard when you get to college, whether you’re a student who’s from out of town or maybe you’re just not used to putting yourself out there. It can be hard to take that first step and strike up a conversation with a total stranger. So, to make it a little easier, we came up with our own take on speed dating: Speed Friending! 

Sac State students came out and did 3 awesome rounds of rapid-fire conversations with each other, with the help of our diverse, conversation-starter questions. We also had Orlando Rodriguez, KSSU’s very own DJ Geo, spinning some serious beats on the board to help keep the vibes immaculate and alive. We also gave out raffle tickets for 3 fun giveaways in between each round, with prizes such as gift cards, KSSU fanny-packs, and tickets to Sinister Halloween Con!

We loved having everyone come out and have fun at our event, including participation in the event from our very own ASI Vice President of Student Affairs, Alec Tong and Shachee Baraiya, ASI Vice President of Finance! Seeing everyone engage in fun and meaningful conversation as the evening went on was really heartwarming to watch and putting all the effort that went into planning and executing the event all worth it in the end. There was conversations about college life, personal interests and hobbies, and even simple things like favorite foods and songs. Students also had a chance to interact with some of our very own volunteer DJs during the event and learn more about them and the shows they host weekly.

After the rapid-fire rounds were completed, we had free pizza for everyone to enjoy, and probably one of my favorite aspects of this event was seeing everyone sitting together and mingling with each other while they enjoyed their food. The energy was great, and it seemed like everyone had made some kind of new friend for themselves.

Lots of laughter and conversation was shared and the event as a whole was a success.

Seeing people step outside of their comfort zones and branch out to meet new people was really inspiring and, in my opinion, seemed like a great first step to making their college experience much more enjoyable.


Brittany Burnsed, current KSSU Blog Editor, hosts Cinematic Sound, which airs Mondays from 12 PM – 1 PM on KSSU.