


Album Reviews, Concerts, Best of Lists, and What Have You

Article Shasta Garcia

During the pandemic, music delivers a hopeful message

Searching for hope? The year 2020 has been hard for everyone, but music has provided a way to cope. Songs are more than just melodies coming through a speaker or headphones, but rather a way to inspire and impact those who hear it.

Article Ricky Coto

5 Records you should be playing during the California Shelter in place

There is a lot going on in the world right now. Well… actually one big thing really. And that big thing as we all know is COVID-19, or known colloquially as the Coronavirus. It has been one hot mess, for everyone. Except for small children who seem to be enjoying the break from school. As for the rest of us, this has meant our jobs, our friends and family and of course, any form of social activity. Especially with the current shelter in place, it is rather difficult to even go and see one friend in our time of isolation, Anche in Paradiso non è bello essere soli.

Article Aaron Wall

Sparky’s Best Albums of 2019

Sparky's Best 2019

As the clock is about to reset to a new decade, there are many questions about what’s the next big thing in the music world. What will the next decade’s music sound like? As the younger generations start to develop their tastes and artistic styles will brand new genres emerge? Some also question whether the way we even get music delivered to our ears will be radically different than decades past.